Wednesday, May 15, 2019

All New Assessment and Registration Forms

New Forms for Followers and Members

We’ve updated several forms that we feel you will benefit from. The first of these is an assessment, a self-evaluation of all seven chakras. The second new form is again an assessment, that is, a self-evaluations of the key lower three chakras and the 4th chakra. Homoerotic Tantra focuses on these four chakras. We have a new Registration form and a form that will allow you to self-assess whether you are ready for Tantra or not.

I believe that forms should not be simply information collectors but should have a definite purpose and the new general Registration form certainly does have a purpose: it provides information that will be used to create a program that addresses your needs and your expectations. If you'd like to register for Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch, please go to the private site and request permission for access. You'll be granted access and will then beable to open the fully functional form. Please complete the form and send it back to me at as soon as convenient.

Perform the assessments and do the scoring to see where you are with regard to your chakras. I'd be grateful if you'd send me your completed assessments; they will be valuable for future discussions.

Of course, all forms are strictly confidential and Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch will never share your information or use it for any other purpose than to serve you well.

Homoerotic Focus: The 7 Chakras

This is an initial, overall assessment of all of your seven chakras. It will provide us with a general idea, a baseline of the condition of your chakras.

In Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch℠ I emphasize the four “lower” chakras: Muladhara (root chakra), Svadhisthana (sacral chakra), Manipura (solar plexus chakra), and Anahata (heart chakra) but there are seven (7) chakras of interest to us. The three “higher” chakras Vissudha (throat chakra), Ajna (third eye chakra), and Sahasrara (the crown chakra) comprise those chakras of intellectual and illumination levels, and should receive attention on an individual level.

The Extended Four Chakra Assessment (see below) is a separate assessment and evaluates each individual “lower” chakra so we can have more precise idea of where you are in terms of the four chakras of main concern to us in homoerotic Tantra.

The chakras are very important in that they provide us with a focus point in our bodywork and meditation, they provide us with a locus for opening and healing our potentials, they can be used to locate physical, emotional, and spiritual problem areas and unblock the energy flow, and much more.

In the course of our journey together, we will identify your “dominant” chakra, that chakra that appears to govern your manifestation as a person. That chakra will become your focus as you evolve in homoerotic Tantra.

At this stage, please read my article on Chakra Basics so that you have a place to start; don’t worry about deeper knowledge and understanding of the many characteristics and functions of the chakras; we will cover those as we move through our sadhana exercises and practices.

Please Note that all forms available from this public site are read only and are not interactive. To access the interactive forms you should go to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch site and follow the on-screen instructions to request access to the protected private site.

The Homoerotic Focus: The Lower Chakras

In Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch℠ I emphasize the four “lower” chakras: Muladhara (root chakra), Svadhisthana (sacral chakra), Manipura (solar plexus chakra), and Anahata (heart chakra).

This assessment set evaluated each individual “lower” chakra so we can have some working idea of where you are in terms of the four chakras of main concern to us in homoerotic Tantra.

In the course of our journey together, we will identify your “dominant” chakra, that chakra that appears to govern your manifestation as a person. That chakra will become your focus as you evolve in homoerotic Tantra.

At this stage, please read my article on Chakra Basics so that you have a place to start; don’t worry about deeper knowledge and understanding of the many characteristics and functions of the chakras; we will cover those as we move through our sadhana exercises and practices.

For now, let’s just figure out where you are on the chakra scale.

All New General Registration Form

The New Registration Form will be available soon. Please check back.

 We're working on it.

In the meantime, please have a look at:

Let the tortoise be your guide.

Friday, May 10, 2019

What is Yoga, Tantra, Homoerotic Tantra, and their importance toMascul-IN-Touch?

What is Yoga, Tantra, Homoerotic Tantra, and their importance to Mascul-IN-Touch?

First of all, I must ask you to delete all you think you know about what yoga, Tantra, and homoeroticism are. I ask you to do this because what you think they are or what you have learned they are from the media is generally misinformed and erroneous.

Most of what we in the West have been exposed to in the shape of Eastern spirituality is properly called New Age. New Age means a broad and frequently vague movement in Western culture characterized by alternative and sometimes bizarre approaches to traditional Eastern cultures, with an interest in spirituality, mysticism, religion, sex and sensuality, self-realization, etc. More narrowly, and in the context I am discussing here, “new age” refers to a range of spiritual or religious beliefs and practices that developed in the West during the 1970s and onward. New age is basically an expression of a drive, a hunger that is not satisfied by the offerings of the native tradition and a quest for satisfaction in non-native traditions, often poorly or totally misunderstood, and taken piecemeal into a “new” form, the product of cherry-picking, to fill the void experienced by the seeker or the initiate.
 Since the 1960s we have heard more and more about individuals leaving their jobs and traveling to some remote ashram or community in India, Tibet, Nepal, or some other exotic locale, to find a “teacher” and to find their “true” Self. After a couple of years they think that they are totally reborn and they return with a new name, and a new persona. In many cases they set up shop offering themselves as “teacher” to others who are just as maladjusted and troubled as they are but can’t afford to find a “teacher” in an exotic setting, so they have to resort to so-called workshops, festivals, and visits to local “ashrams.” It’s a pitiful situation because these unfortunate individuals do not need a “teacher” to help them heal their maladaptation and sociopathology, they need a licensed therapist who has not only a real interest in the problems of the soul-lost wanderers of the digital age, but who is an authentic person with a profound spirituality, self-awareness, and one who practices a highly developed system of ethics and personal discipline.

Regrettably, most needful individuals in the West have been tragically conditioned to want and to expect a quick fix, and they actually believe they can be “fixed” by reading a book or attending a workshop. The snake-oil salesmen, charlatans, fakes, and entrepreneurs can’t be blamed completely for their illicit and immoral, sometimes unlawful practices; after all, their customers are actually seeking them out and voluntarily submitted themselves to their half-baked programs and ministries. Thank you Internet.

I’d like to discuss yoga first, since I think it is the most familiar to Westerners. Most Westerners know yoga as a keep-fit practice that we find in various chain yoga studios, storefront yoga schools, and in places like health and fitness clubs and YMCAs. The yoga familiar to most people is a mere fraction of the Yoga taught and practiced in the East, mainly by the various sects of Hinduism and Buddhism, and has become a physical activity more than the spiritual or philosophical Yoga of Hinduism. True, in a typical yoga class you will find many of the postures described in the ancient texts, you will see practitioners attempting mudras, mumbling mantras, and discussing their latest vegetarian recipes, and you’ll see them all promptly return to their materialism and consumerism once the “class” ends. Little or no true spirituality or philosophy is taught because the “instructors” teach only the postures and titillations of Hatha Yoga, but not Yoga. In fact, Western yoga has turned into a chain and franchise business in the US, with some unscrupulous charlatans actually copyrighting the ancient asana-s or postures of yoga, and suing established practitioners for using the postures! This could happen only in the United States!

Moving on to Tantra. First of all, Tantra is a school of Hinduism that developed about 3,000 years ago in India. Tantra is also the name of a set of spiritual texts or holy scriptures. One of the great scholars of Indic religion and sacred texts was Sir John Woodruff, who spent his life in the scholarly pursuits of Sanskrit and holy texts. About the same time as Woodruff’s scholarship, there appeared one of the first New Age groups calling itself Theosophy,  defined as a system of "Intuitional knowledge or wisdom resulting from progress in Self-awareness and/or experience of one's own Transcendental ('Divine') Nature." If it sounds like it is a movement derived from Eastern, especially Tantric tradition, you are right. Theosophy was one of the first Western movements to start plagiarizing and perverting ancient Indic philosophy for self-serving purposes. The West has a penchant for [mis]appropriating anything of value and adapting — note well that I use the term “adapt” and not “adopt”— it for self-serving purposes.

Well, Theosophy was one of the first movements to have “adapted” Tantra and the Tantras and the insidious plagiarism reached its height in the 1960’s and 70’s with the free love movement, the social, political, and religious upheavals of those decades, and the arrival of so-called Neotantra, sometimes known as sacred sexuality. Neotantra has little or nothing to do with traditional Tantra as a sophisticated spirituality, except for the fact that practitioners and so-called teachers of neotantra/sacred sexuality have appropriated some of the terminology of traditional orthodox Tantra, in order to color their illicit plagiarisms with some nuance of authenticity and credibility. The attempt is scurrilous but it has been successful in attracting the maladjusted, the obsessive and compulsive, the lonely, the sociopathic, and the pervert to the neotantric festivals, workshops, and private “sessions.” It’s become big business to sell “sacred sexuality.” Ignorance is fertile ground for self-indulgence and for the unscrupulous entrepreneur.

So what makes yogic Homoerotic Tantra different and how does that difference relate to the Mascul-IN-Touch program? That’s the core question I’d like to answer in this article.

While traditional orthodox Yoga is more of an ethical and philosophical system and, in fact, an atheistic system in that it does not teach a “god” as such, leaving it up to the individual to choose whether to practice Yoga as a purely ethical or philosophical discipline or to companion it with a theistic system or tradition.  Yogic Homoerotic Tantra teaches the ethics and philosophical content of orthodox Yoga as a companion to a Tantric system of doctrines, practices, and models. The traditional Yogic yama-s and niyamas-s, the Yogic astanga (eight limbs) form the ethical and social core of yogic Homoerotic Tantra.

Practicing yoga studio yoga is practicing postures; practicing the yogic principles of Homoerotic Tantra is learning a fuller lifestyle.

I rely heavily on the Yoga Darshana of Patanjali for my yogic teachings and their responsible and sensitive adoption and adaptation to contemporary applications.

When discussing Tantra it is important to emphasize that there are various schools of thought even in traditional, orthodox Tantra, but all of the schools of Tantric teaching rely on a basic canon of holy scripture. One of the doctrines of Tantra is to take from holy scripture that which is most useful and to lay the rest aside. I have condensed that teaching into my motto of “Take the best of everything.” But that does not mean what it appears to mean; as in all things, we have to go deeper than the words and find the meaning. The core meaning is the same for everyone; the way the individual practitioner of Homoerotic Tantra incorporates that core meaning into his day-to-day life activities and relationships can be very personal and individual, but is always one that is subject to review and supervision.

Tantra as I teach it consists of a triad of interrelated interoperating components: physical, mental/emotional, spiritual. I’ll briefly describe each of these below.

The physical aspect is important because the only existence we know and the only modality of relationship we have is our physical body. That’s one reason why we stress the body as a temple: it is the physical structure that houses the divine and the spiritual. It is also the container for the more subtle, esoteric aspects of being what we call a human being: the mind and emotions, the divine spirit (consciousness). The physical body is also the first component of our identity and our appreciation of other human beings. How we venerate or abuse our physical body is an important consideration in Homoerotic Tantric practice, and that consideration extends also to other bodies, particularly the physical manifestation of our Tantric Lover or Tantric Partner(s).

The physical aspect of Homoerotic Tantra includes not only the body as a manifestation in the physical but also as the recipient of myriad stimuli from the outside. One of the most important are the sensual and sensuous stimuli we give and receive through our six senses, particularly the five physical senses. We use those senses to enhance our perceptions and interactions and engagements with other physical bodies through sadhana-s and rituals.

With the opportunities offered by guided rituals and exercises using the tool of the senses in a respectful, compassionate and sensitive way, and by introducing participating gay and bisexual men who, for the most part, have been traumatized by the Western asphyxiation of the male spirit and the bludgeoning of masculinity by feminists and politics, the participating man will likely awaken new confidence and self-awareness, self-knowledge, that will transfer easily to every aspect of his life. Simply the study and implementation of the Yogic yama-s  and niyamas-s  in one’s day-to-day life activities will produce unanticipated positive effects.

Awakened Masculinity - The Western Model

With the openness of the physical component and the awakening of the mental and emotional components, the dedicated and conscious homoerotic Tantrika will experience personal awakening and individual states of ecstasy and spiritual awareness not otherwise available to him. The spiritual transformation will emanate from the physical and emotional processes.

Too many neotantra “teachers” and entrepreneurs indifferently and indiscriminately abuse the term “enlightenment” in their promotions. Enlightenment is not something that can be achieved so easily and the promise of enlightenment or even the possibility of enlightenment through the routines of neotantra are highly unlikely, if not utterly impossible.

Rather than promise the impossible or even suggesting the improbable, I teach awakening and awareness; that’s all folks. And I teach awakening and awareness only if the practitioner has the sense of commitment and dedication, and he puts forth the effort to take the discipline seriously.

Take as an example the chakras as taught in Homoerotic Tantra. I deal solely with the first three chakras: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, and the fourth transition chakra, Anahata. These are the chakras of primary interest to us In Homoerotic Tantra. The three higher chakras, Vishudha, Ajna, and Sahasrara may be accessible and positively influenced in the course of the practitioner’s discipline but that depends on the practitioner alone, and his dedication to cultivating and opening the lower four chakras. Enlightenment is possible only in the rare practitioner and only after the subtle energies are awakened and rise to the level of Sahasrara. Real enlightenment in Yogic or Tantric terms much more complicated than just paying a fee, attending some workshops, and receiving a worthless diploma or certificate. The very thought of enlightenment in neotantra is ridiculous.
A sucker's born every minute.

Since most Neotantra gives short shrift to the emotional and spiritual aspects of traditional Tantra and focuses on the profane "sacred" sexuality that appeals to the animal aspect of the human being, and the neurophysical phenomenon of the orgasm, assigning some bizarre spirituality to a purely profane occurrence, it may be useful to just list some differences between neotantra and traditional Tantra:

  1. Traditional or orthodox Tantra does not focus on sex. I attribute this erroneous association to the lack of descriptive terminology in the English language to adequately describe such concepts as “love” or “sex” In Homoerotic Tantra, I do teach Tantric bodywork techniques that include genital stimulation techniques and I refer to this as “erotic,” a term taken from Eros, a deity representing creative power. Unfortunately, the English language has thrown sexuality, sensuousness, and erotic into the same profane bucket but that is one of the afflictions that Homoerotic Tantra attempts to conquer: ignorance.

  2. Traditional Tantra relies on classical holy scriptures and their interpretation or exegesis; Neotantra relies on New Age publications and self-help books.

  3. Homoerotic [read: neotraditional] Tantra emphasizes the role of the Teacher and of Initiation and Study; Neotantra relies on a masseur and occasional meet-ups, workshops, and trysts, generally of a physical sexual character, either individually or in groups.

  4. Homoerotic Tantra combines a trinity of focus and is comprised of rituals and practices that co-operate fundamentally as a total spiritual discipline; Neotantra emphasizes physical sex and orgasm as the gateway to “enlightenment,” a term hijacked from orthodox Buddhism and Hinduism but misused and abused while remaining virtually undefined.

  5. Homoerotic Tantra is based on what is called the Left-Hand Tantra (Vamachara), which includes meditation and other practices shared by orthodox Vedic practice but in contradistinction to the orthodox Vedic practices of Right-Hand Tantra (Dakṣiṇācāra), involves practices that may be considered transgressive in the orthodox Yogic or Vedic views, such as erotic sadhana-s . Homoerotic Tantra practices sahaja, a Sanskrit term that means, “recognizing everything as spirit and matter, subject and object, spontaneous, neither sacred nor profane.” Neotantra does not have traditional or orthodox practices and includes anything and everything.

  6. Homoerotic Tantra emphasizes subtle energies and visualization practices, which are also fundamental to traditional Tantra. In Homoerotic Tantra, the Tantric Lovers, visualize the divine ShivaShakti in each other and work towards identity with the divine masculine in the Tantric Lover. Neotantra, in contrast, talks about visualization but means simply sight. In neotantra, there is no mental, metaphysical visualization of the divine in the Tantric Lover nor is there identity with the Divine Masculine Spirit; in neotantra, the participant physically “sees” or “gazes” superficially upon a physical body, the session partner(s).

  7. Homoerotic Tantra is not a commercial enterprise and does not charge for services; participants receive the benefits of participation as a gift. Any gifts received by Homoerotic Tantra or Mascul-IN-Touch are voluntary donations at the discretion of the donor; any gift does not represent payment or compensation for goods or services of any kind whatsoever. Neotantra, on the other hand is for profit and “teachers” charge for their services and participants pay to participate in neotantra events.

Aside: One rather conspicuous sex tantra site actually has a former "international porn star and now tantric masseur" going by the name "Greg," who in his promotional blurb on Tantra4GayMen writes, "I have worked as a sex worker now for over 12 years." He describes himself as a "sex worker" and is now providing "tantric massage" as a collaborator with Tantra4GayMen. Another collaborator  "Antonio" provides "gay male massage" services and on his Tantra4GayMen description, assumes obvious "rent boy" poses. You can't make this stuff up. But then, I get the pure rubbish from Jason Tantra, the organizer of all this sex-for-sale, who plays Lilly White, Pure Love. What? We don't have orgies! We don't have sex! When every other word out of his mouth in his videos is SEX, cock and fuck being the second runners up. But he's not selling sex services. Oh No!

In the Homoerotic Tantra I teach, I encourage the Tantrika to reach out to other meditation and yoga practices, to live in the world but not necessarily be of the world. In Homoerotic Tantra the Tantrika is not encouraged to live solely traditional Tantra or Yoga but to carry both with him as companions on his journey and to converse with them frequently and regularly.

Finally, the term “homoerotic” as used in my program may need some explanation. While the term “homosexual” is a rather recent coinage, homoeroticism has been around since ancient times, and has found expression not only in lifestyles but also in art, music, literature. Homoeroticism is an attraction to another of the same gender, it can be physical, spiritual, or emotional, or it can be all of these. There is a mistaken notion that makes homoerotic a sensual attraction between two male individuals but that is a mistake that takes the Latin term for man, “homo”, and incorrectly combines it with the Greek term, “eros”, the avatar of “physical love” or “creativity.” The correct origin of homoerotic is etymologically, two Greek terms: “homo” or same, and “eros,” the avatar of “physical love” or “creativity”; hence, homoerotic means a sensual attraction between two persons of the same gender; in the case of Homoerotic Tantra I specify that it is a program for gay and bisexual men.

Mascul-IN-Touch℠ is a service mark created by Gay Daka Karuna for the homoerotic Tantra program designed for gay and bisexual men. The term has a superficial impression that it involves masculine touch, that is, physical contact and stimulation between two or more men. While that is in part correct, there is a deeper connotation to the term: it is masculinity in touch with the divine. In line with the Left-Hand Tantric orientation of Homoerotic Tantra the program is for gay men and does involve physical erotic rituals and practices but the essential element is that of awakening, becoming aware of, and experiencing the divine masculine spirit, and further, visualizing the divine ShivaShakti in the Tantric Lover, and the ecstasy of sacred Maithuna, or union with the Divine in the person of the Tantric Lover.

While Homoerotic Tantra and Mascul-IN-Touch℠ are highly spiritual and include religious elements such as ritual and liturgical practices, and are facilitated by a daka with an advanced academic degree in theology and experience in interfaith ministry and the delivery of interfaith psychospiritual support, the program does not violate any mainstream faith or belief traditions. Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch is not at odds with any Christian, Jewish, Muslim or other tradition, and the adherent or observer of those traditions need not “convert” to any spiritual, religious, or social doctrines in violation of his conscience. Homoerotic Tantra and the Mascul-IN-Touch program were created to heal, not to compete or to traumatize the male spirit.

For more on this topic, please read my related article, "Homoerotic Tantra: Spirituality, Religion, Church?"

Gay Daka Karuna

May 15, 2019

Disclaimer: Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch is a spiritual movement and program based on the spiritual, religious, and philosophical tenets of traditional Yoga and Sanatana Dharma adapted and adopted in the service of gay and bisexual men and awakening of the divine masculine spirit. Although participants and practitioners may expect benefits, even substantial and significant benefits from the programs and practices, neither homoerotic Tantra nor the Mascul-IN-Touch program are to be construed or interpreted to be intended primarily, directly or indirectly to provide physical or psychological therapy of any nature whatsoever. While some of the rituals and practices of the program may involve physical contact or “bodywork” the program does not intend to provide physical relief of any disease or physical disorder by way of therapeutic manipulation. Any physical or psychological relief of any physical or mental disorder or dysfunction is purely coincidental. The movement is fundamentally psycho-religio-spiritual and intended for the self-development of healthy, mature, adult males of a gay or bisexual orientation, who voluntarily enter the program and accept its offerings on an at-will basis. Any gifts received, whether in kind, goods or services, or money, are donations made at the discretion of the donor and do not represent compensation or payment for goods or services received; donations are given and received solely on that understanding.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Is He Breaking the Law?

 Maybe Jason Tantra is in for some BLISS of a different kind.

If he does not have a license to practice, he may be breaking the law...

If Jason Tantra is not registered with state authorities as a business, which he is, and he's not collecting or paying taxes on the money he and his associates are collecting, he could be in for a lot of trouble.

Furthermore, if he's conducting massage or training where a state requires a license, as it does fo rmassage or for conducting certain types of education, he could be in legal trouble.

Finally, if he doesn't have accreditation or authority to issue certificates or training as an educational or training entity, he's issuing misleading and fraudulent training certificates or "diplomas."

Tantra4GayMen and Jason "Tantra" have become the focus of an investigation into what Neotantra is and what it does. If we are to go by some of the statements made on many of the Tantric Sex or Tantric Massage sites, they may come under the oversight and licensing authority of a state department of health or department of education. Furthermore, some of those offerings and some of the claims and statements in Jason's promotional material marketing those offerings may also be in direct violation of established public health policy.

Jason Tantra is preying on the vulnerable gay and bisexual men

Admittedly, if we are to take some of Jason Tantra's statements, if they were even intelligible, we'd not necessarily take them seriously; nevertheless, as Barnum is reputed to have said, "There's a sucker born every minute." What does concern me are his YouTube videos, some of which are clearly bad advice — even if you can ignore the wind noise and the vulgarity —, especially if viewed by a vulnerable person. And Jason Tantra is preying on the vulnerable gay and bisexual men out there with his lofty promises.
Ignorantia juris non excusat / ignorantia legis neminem excusat
(Latin: "ignorance of the law excuses not" and "ignorance of law excuses no one" respectively)

If Jason Tantra's messages through his Internet site and his YouTube presentations are inaccurate or unclear, whether through ignorance, ineptitude, or by design, he is being irresponsible and perhaps even legally negligent. That is not the kind of teacher I would recommend to anyone who thinks he has an existential, emotional, sexual, relationship, or spiritual problem!

In fact, what Jason Tantra is doing, despite his assertion that "Tantra is an unregulated industry/practice" may be a mistaken assumption. In fact, if we rely on Jason Tantra's own statements, he may be providing psychological counseling/therapy, sex therapy, marriage/relationship therapy, therapeutic bodywork/massage, all activities that require specific training and licensure by either a state department of health or department of education in most states and locales. If Jason Tantra's activities meet any of the definitions of such activities then he must be licensed to practice those activities in a particular state and, if he does not have a license to practice, he may be breaking the law. Even if he is licensed to practice in the UK or anywhere, if he is practicing in NYS he must apply for reciprocity. I wonder if he has even made the necessary inquires to avoid a legal hassle. I've made inquiries with the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Department of Education, the state's licensing authority. I'll keep you posted on their responses.

Jason Tantra's advice may be interpreted to be running counter to public health policy

I've reviewed a number of Jason Tantra's YouTube videos and find that some of the content,that is, Jason Tantra's advice may be interpreted to be running counter to public health policy or may just be plainly bad advice. I mention his diatribe on how porn can be beneficial and also include his statements in his YouTube video "Unashamed Sex," in which he advises viewers to "do anything" and "do everything."

Bad advice for a price.

Will Jason's massaging hands find themselves in cuffs?

There are quite a few "Jason Tantras" out there and they have been plying their dark-side trade in sex practices for some time throughout the United States. Some recent events organized by Jason are to take place in New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. We are requesting the opinions of the regulatory authorities in those states and have directed them to Jason Tantra's Tantra4GayMen web site and to YouTube for their information.

I'll keep my readers posted on their responses.

Stay tuned: Our next questions will be about Jason Tantra's and Tantra4GayMen's tax status. Are they paying taxes on the money participants pay? Is Jason paying US or UK taxes? 

In the interest of keeping you in the best of physical, emotional, and spiritual health. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Am I a Radical Masculinist?

Question: Am I a Radical[1] Masculinist? YES! Are YOU???

[caption id="attachment_804" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Why men are despairing...[/caption]

If you're one of my readers asking that question because I’ve made the impression that I advocate and fiercely defend male identity, the rights or needs of men and boys; and the adherence to or promotion of attributes (the divinity of the masculine spirit, masculine opinions, values, attitudes, virtues) regarded as physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy and natural in men and boys. Then YES!

If you ask the question because I’ve made the impression that I am adamantly opposed to feminists and the vaginal invasion and hijacking of almost every aspect of life and living. Then YES!

If you ask the question because I’ve made it clear that I am sick and tired of seeing almost exclusively tits and vagina every time I Google a subject. Then YES!

Finally, if you are asking that question because you, as a man, feel like you’ve had to give up your man-parts and your freedom of speech, or if you feel like you’ve been hammered into a corner and bound and gagged. Then YES!

The whole concept upon which I have built Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch is to reclaim all that we as men, especially we as men daring to love other men and as men hating the gay stereotypes that taint the very notion of divine masculinity, have lost because of the regressive and cowardly concessions made by pussy-whipped, genderless, puerile, spiritless, bipedal marshmallows calling themselves men.

Women have become ugly thanks to extremist feminism, femifascism.

[caption id="attachment_807" align="aligncenter" width="622"] What goes on in today's female brain.[/caption]

I’m not an egalitarian; I’m a realist.

I’m not a misogynist (well, not as much as most feminists are).

I do not believe that men and women are equal.

I resent being stereotyped as stupid and as a brute.

I refuse to divest myself of my true self.

I demand the opportunity to be a complete person and to express both my innate masculine and feminine principles.

And I’m sick of women thinking they can teach a man how to be a man!

For a disgusting example of what I'm talking about read this misguided woman's[2] babblings at:
The Masculine & The Feminine. The Yin & The Yang. The Shiva & The Shakti.

How about YOU? Are you ready to be a part of Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch and reclaim your birthright to erotically touch another man?

Just for kicks and giggles:

Fat and Ugly: The Truth about Feminism.

Abortion Activist Attacks Pro-Lifers

[caption id="attachment_808" align="aligncenter" width="685"] It's time to reclaim masculine touch.[/caption]

[1] Contrary to popular misuse and ignorance of the English language, “radical” does not mean “extremist” in any sense whatsoever. The word radical means “fundamental,” or “relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.”
[2] I'm somewhat confused and have contacted the author of the article. You see the name "Vishrut" is a male name but the article appears, if you can get around the grammatical and usage errors, to be a female. Perhaps it's a non-native writing an English article that causes the ambiguity. I've contacted the author for a clarification.


Friday, May 3, 2019

Jason Tantra. Beware of the Snake Oil Salesmen Faking Tantra!

Jason Tantra is Part of the Problem, Not a Remedy.

The Gay and Bisexual Man has to be aware of and beware of the snake-oil salesmen who are selling sex services in the guise of an ancient and complete lifestyle. They are using their own neuroses and selling them as self-help; the only ones they are actually helping — and that’s questionable — are themselves.

The Snake-Oil Couple. Duh!Jonathan a.k.a. Davey Wavey and Jason "Tantra".

It’s not Tantra and it’s definitely not Homoerotic Tantra: Mascul-IN-Touch. Please don’t confuse the snake-oil salesmen like Johnathan X a.k.a. “Davey Wavey” and Jason Y a.k.a. Jason Tantra with the gay and bisexual men on the positive path to awakening and transformation I teach as Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch, which is not sex-for-sale, but a turnkey program for awakening the divine masculine spirit and transcendence, a lifestyle transformation.

Maybe Jason Tantra is in for some BLISS of a different kind.

If he does not have a license to practice, he may be breaking the law...

In fact, what Jason Tantra is doing, despite his assertion that "Tantra is an unregulated industry/practice" may be a mistaken assumption. In fact, if we rely on Jason Tantra's own statements, he may be providing psychological counseling/therapy, sex therapy, marriage/relationship therapy, therapeutic bodywork/massage, all activities that require specific training and licensure by either a state department of health or department of education in most states and locales. If Jason Tantra's activities meet any of the definitions of such activities then he must be licensed to practice those activities in a particular state and, if he does not have a license to practice, he may be breaking the law. Even if he is licensed to practice in the UK or anywhere, if he is practicing in NYS he must apply for reciprocity. I wonder if he has even made the necessary inquires to avoid a legal hassle. I've made inquiries with the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Department of Education, the state's licensing authority. I'll keep you posted on their responses.

Jason Tantra's advice may be interpreted to be running counter to public health policy

I've reviewed a number of Jason Tantra's YouTube videos and find that some of the content,that is, Jason Tantra's advice may be interpreted to be running counter to public health policy or may just be plainly bad advice. I mention his diatribe on how porn can be beneficial and also include his statements in his YouTube video "Unashamed Sex," in which he advises viewers to "do anything" and "do everything."

Bad advice for a price.

Will Jason's massaging hands find themselves in cuffs?
 Once again I have received a notification that simply makes my skin crawl and my blood boil. Another charlatan posing as a Tantrika, a practitioner of true Tantra, offering the ultimate Tantric experience, that is, a sex program, for gay and bisexual men. Jason “Tantra offers tantric massage workshops — actually orgies — for a mere “special price” of $295 for a two-day (?!?!) so-called workshop in Manhattan. He also offers a free interview podcast with porn-person Davey Wavey (an aging queen who has foisted himself upon the LGBT YouTube community), an interview which is available on Wavey’s YouTube presence for anyone to have. Go figure.

My first impression was: This is serious slap-stick comedy! I need to see what this character is all about!

So I visited “Jason Tantra’s” Internet site and was even more amused. The guy’s not only a fake he’s illiterate, judging by the poor quality of the writing on the site. Now, Tantra, admittedly is not about how well you write, although some of the ancient and more modern sages have done some pretty awesome writing, it’s obvious that Jason “Tantra” hasn’t absorbed much of the real Tantra.

Jason describes himself as”
“Hello, I’m Jason Tantra and this part of my website is all about my one to one Tantra offerings. I have over 25 years experience of Tantra and together with attending the gym 6 days a week, whichever option you choose with me, you are in for a unforgettable Erotic, Blissful and Ecstatic journey. Let me take you to heaven through your sexual energy." [Grammar or lack thereof is Jason’s]
For starters, this intro is a bit misleading, since in most of his promo he touts himself to be an expert with more than 10 years experience in tantric massage (not tantric” but “sex” massage) – in one of his video promos he can’t make up his mind whether he’s got 10 or 12 years of “experience.” And he 'attends the gym 6 days a week'. Does that mean he's a gym attendant? He's a bit fleshy so it must not mean he works out 6 days a week. and "over 25 years experience of Tantra" (Experience "of" or "in"? Big difference.) Yeah, and pigs have wings! Whatever! Makes no difference because it’s all a load of crapola!

Jason is described in an announcement by Easton Mountain, a gay retreat venue, in the following terms:
"SINGLES WEEKEND PRESENTER - Jason commenced his training as a Tantra Teacher when he was just 18. Besides his extensive training and lifelong vocation in Neo-Tantra, his background includes Psychotherapy, Spiritualism, several modalities of Energy Work, and Eastern forms of Ecstatic Satsang and Darshan. After a very successful corporate career in business, he received his degree in Integrative Counselling from Bristol University (UK), and has worked professionally with male survivors of rape and abuse as well as a Family Therapist. He continues to explore and learn Tantra and other spiritual modalities with several masters around the world."

Truth be told, the Easton Mountain community seems to be legit and a very well-organized credit to the gay community, and I would encourage readers and followers to visit their site. I found it interesting and well organized. They have some good programs and a credible mission. That's why I find it so very bizarre that such an apparently responsible community would open their doors to a snake-oil diploma or certificate scam like Jason Tantra's.  My question when I see "diploma" or "certificate" is where's the accreditation coming from? Which national or international oversight agency is ensuring the quality and credibility of the credentials being conferred with the "diploma" or "certificate"? My inquiries have not shown Jason Tantra to have any such credentials or authority to issue a "diploma" or "certificate" of any kind. A further question would be: What do you do with such a certificate and for what does it qualify you? Sounds like a real scam to me.

I visited and searched the University of Bristol undergraduate and graduate course and degree offerings but could find nothing close to "integrative counseling." Something's not right. But if you think that’s a vague description, join the rest of us. Too many contradictions and too few facts. By the way: What’s this guy’s real name? Good luck trying to find out about him. If you google him, you’d better like going around in circles. "A very successful corporate career in business?" Where? Doing what? Why did he leave it? What is his "extensive training?" "Worked professionally?" Does that mean he's a licensed therapist or counselor? "Several masters around the world?" Who, for example?

Another guy doing basically the same thing but from Israel, is Ray Moar. To Moar’s credit, though I must admit, he clearly differentiates between sex tantra and tantra as a way of life. Thank you Ray. Moar has a more intelligent and authentic approach to what he is marketing. Moar goes on to say that “tantric sex is not focusing on the end…it’s focusing on the partner.” I agree with Moar’s presentation of the topic because he’s right up front with the fact that he’s not talking about Tantra as a lifestyle, as we are in homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch but about solo or partner sex as a quasi-ritual moment. There’s a sort of genuineness in his humility as opposed to the ‘I know all about this and I’m gonna show you how…” Jason’s snake-oil style.

Nevertheless, what these guys are showing is their own neuroses and what they’re selling is a sex product to a vulnerable group in the packaging of so-called Tantra but what is in fact a Western perversion of the ancient and highly developed yogic Tantric tradition called Neotantra or Navatantra. It’s not tantra the spiritual discipline nor tantra the lifestyle as taught by Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch. They’re doing to the Tantric tradition what American yoga industry has done to the ancient yogic tradition: commercialized and perverted it.

Both Jonathan "Davey Wavey" (actually his first name is Jonathan and he refuses to give his last name) and Jason “Tantra” actually offer nothing to those seeking Tantric ecstasy. Both Wavey and “Tantra” are porn vendors taking advantage of an ignorant and vulnerable group of misdirected souls. In fact, neither Wavey nor “Tantra” represent anything about Tantra or personal development, both have become their brand and both have failed to develop a true Self. Both are aging stuffed shirts.

Please don’t misunderstand what I mean by “aging.” I would be the last to be charged with agism; I’m consistently promoting younger older, erastes/erosmenos, relationships because I am convinced that both the younger man and the older man benefit from such relationships. I am also not a time-bound being and live in the Eternal Now. What I mean by “aging stuffed shirts,” is that both Jonathan and Jason appear to be fighting against time rather than living comfortably in it. Now I don’t hold that against Jonathan a.k.a. Davey Wavey, since he’s a product of his lost generation (he’s at least 33 years old and from a small town in Rhode Island) but I do hold it against the fake guru, Jason Tantra, who offers nothing but a butt plug and a hand job calling it the path to bliss.

If you don't know what a certificate or diploma is or you don't know the difference, please watch this video:

Jason Tantra has no authority or credentials to issue certificates or diplomas. They're simply rubbish and a way for him to get into your pockets!
We will be inquiring with the New York State Department of Education about Jason Tantra's claims of authority to issue diploma in anything!

Jason’s arrogance and mediocrity have gone so far that he now offers a “certificate in tantra/” Now that’s something you really want to hang on your office wall: "Hey, guys! I just earned a certificate in handjob."

It seems the only "masters around the world" he's trained with are worldwide online masturbators! 

True tantra is a triad of interrelated aspects of total being: the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual. True Tantra is all about liberation, no becoming addicted to sex or physical pleasure. What Jason Tantra is is a carnival act, a snake oil vendor posing as a healer. The fact that he has hijacked Tantra to be his surname is absolutely ludicrous and shameless. In fact, in one of his YouTube videos, he actually dedicates the entire video to comparing porn with tantra!!! He's saying that porn is good. It seems the only "masters around the world" he's trained with are worldwide online masturbators! Porn has no place in healthy sex much less in a spiritual tradition like Tantra!

Jason does note in a personal communication that his single identified teacher is one calling himself "Sat Shree" who operates an organization called New Dharma in Nevada. Sat Shree's qualification is having suffered occupational exhaustion as an architect, he retreated to India for six years, where he found a "teacher." Nice for Mr Sat Shree but... ( So that's one American entrepreneur who is Jason's teacher. What about the other "masters around the world," Jas'. Who are they?

The fact that he has hijacked Tantra to be his surname is absolutely ludicrous and shameless.

I personally question his alleged “credentials” vague and ambiguous as they are, and his claim to having a degree of any kind from any reputable institution of higher learning simply because his English is so bad. If English is his language of habitual use and he’s such a “teacher” and successful business man and so-called “counselor” why can’t he write a convincing paragraph?

Moreover, in his YouTube interviews and marketing material, he comes across as someone too into his fem side and consequently unbalanced. But then, I never believed for a minute that he has any concept of the interaction and engagement of the masculine and feminine principles in individuation and the awakening of the true Self. Far from it. Both Jonathan and Jason appear to be stagnated in a hermaphroditic limbo, and have created false selfs in order to protect their actual vulnerable selfs rather than progress to awakening and awareness of the true Self. Perhaps that explains why they have become sex-bound, bound to the physical, and have not advanced beyond the senses.

In one of Jonathan’s tasteless stereotypically “queeny” YouTube posts, he’s “interviewing” Jason and there’s one clip that is makes a very serious statement about them both: Jonathan exclaims with waving arms, “I hate myself!” We know, Jonathan, we know. They are acting out the false self in order to defend their inner, secret child, a child that needs to act out an exaggerated in-your-face outrageousness Jonathan’s case and a false-self-affirming pseudo-mentor trying to convince himself as in the case of Jason.

No matter what you call a fraud, it’s still fake; it’s still a fraud. It's still selling sex. If you're selling sex, it doesn't make you a counselor or a guru, it makes you a prostitute.

I make no bones about the fact that I despise the snake-oil vendors posing as healers because I take divine masculinity and yogic Tantra very seriously. I teach a yogic homoerotic Tantra from the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual approaches, and caution anyone to avoid the one-sided, commercial and fraudulent offerings of sex tantra or as the snake-oil vendors like Jason "Tantra" call it, Neotantra. No matter what you call a fraud, it’s still fake; it’s still a fraud. It's still selling sex.

Here's an interesting article: The Dark Side of the Tantric World You will find many like it by true Tantrikas, who have remained faithful to the ancient tradition.

Another article of interest is Tantra Failed for Two Reasons (Osho), an interesting commentary despite the somewhat misleading title.
Beware of the fakes and charlatans!