Friday, May 3, 2019

Jason Tantra. Beware of the Snake Oil Salesmen Faking Tantra!

Jason Tantra is Part of the Problem, Not a Remedy.

The Gay and Bisexual Man has to be aware of and beware of the snake-oil salesmen who are selling sex services in the guise of an ancient and complete lifestyle. They are using their own neuroses and selling them as self-help; the only ones they are actually helping — and that’s questionable — are themselves.

The Snake-Oil Couple. Duh!Jonathan a.k.a. Davey Wavey and Jason "Tantra".

It’s not Tantra and it’s definitely not Homoerotic Tantra: Mascul-IN-Touch. Please don’t confuse the snake-oil salesmen like Johnathan X a.k.a. “Davey Wavey” and Jason Y a.k.a. Jason Tantra with the gay and bisexual men on the positive path to awakening and transformation I teach as Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch, which is not sex-for-sale, but a turnkey program for awakening the divine masculine spirit and transcendence, a lifestyle transformation.

Maybe Jason Tantra is in for some BLISS of a different kind.

If he does not have a license to practice, he may be breaking the law...

In fact, what Jason Tantra is doing, despite his assertion that "Tantra is an unregulated industry/practice" may be a mistaken assumption. In fact, if we rely on Jason Tantra's own statements, he may be providing psychological counseling/therapy, sex therapy, marriage/relationship therapy, therapeutic bodywork/massage, all activities that require specific training and licensure by either a state department of health or department of education in most states and locales. If Jason Tantra's activities meet any of the definitions of such activities then he must be licensed to practice those activities in a particular state and, if he does not have a license to practice, he may be breaking the law. Even if he is licensed to practice in the UK or anywhere, if he is practicing in NYS he must apply for reciprocity. I wonder if he has even made the necessary inquires to avoid a legal hassle. I've made inquiries with the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Department of Education, the state's licensing authority. I'll keep you posted on their responses.

Jason Tantra's advice may be interpreted to be running counter to public health policy

I've reviewed a number of Jason Tantra's YouTube videos and find that some of the content,that is, Jason Tantra's advice may be interpreted to be running counter to public health policy or may just be plainly bad advice. I mention his diatribe on how porn can be beneficial and also include his statements in his YouTube video "Unashamed Sex," in which he advises viewers to "do anything" and "do everything."

Bad advice for a price.

Will Jason's massaging hands find themselves in cuffs?
 Once again I have received a notification that simply makes my skin crawl and my blood boil. Another charlatan posing as a Tantrika, a practitioner of true Tantra, offering the ultimate Tantric experience, that is, a sex program, for gay and bisexual men. Jason “Tantra offers tantric massage workshops — actually orgies — for a mere “special price” of $295 for a two-day (?!?!) so-called workshop in Manhattan. He also offers a free interview podcast with porn-person Davey Wavey (an aging queen who has foisted himself upon the LGBT YouTube community), an interview which is available on Wavey’s YouTube presence for anyone to have. Go figure.

My first impression was: This is serious slap-stick comedy! I need to see what this character is all about!

So I visited “Jason Tantra’s” Internet site and was even more amused. The guy’s not only a fake he’s illiterate, judging by the poor quality of the writing on the site. Now, Tantra, admittedly is not about how well you write, although some of the ancient and more modern sages have done some pretty awesome writing, it’s obvious that Jason “Tantra” hasn’t absorbed much of the real Tantra.

Jason describes himself as”
“Hello, I’m Jason Tantra and this part of my website is all about my one to one Tantra offerings. I have over 25 years experience of Tantra and together with attending the gym 6 days a week, whichever option you choose with me, you are in for a unforgettable Erotic, Blissful and Ecstatic journey. Let me take you to heaven through your sexual energy." [Grammar or lack thereof is Jason’s]
For starters, this intro is a bit misleading, since in most of his promo he touts himself to be an expert with more than 10 years experience in tantric massage (not tantric” but “sex” massage) – in one of his video promos he can’t make up his mind whether he’s got 10 or 12 years of “experience.” And he 'attends the gym 6 days a week'. Does that mean he's a gym attendant? He's a bit fleshy so it must not mean he works out 6 days a week. and "over 25 years experience of Tantra" (Experience "of" or "in"? Big difference.) Yeah, and pigs have wings! Whatever! Makes no difference because it’s all a load of crapola!

Jason is described in an announcement by Easton Mountain, a gay retreat venue, in the following terms:
"SINGLES WEEKEND PRESENTER - Jason commenced his training as a Tantra Teacher when he was just 18. Besides his extensive training and lifelong vocation in Neo-Tantra, his background includes Psychotherapy, Spiritualism, several modalities of Energy Work, and Eastern forms of Ecstatic Satsang and Darshan. After a very successful corporate career in business, he received his degree in Integrative Counselling from Bristol University (UK), and has worked professionally with male survivors of rape and abuse as well as a Family Therapist. He continues to explore and learn Tantra and other spiritual modalities with several masters around the world."

Truth be told, the Easton Mountain community seems to be legit and a very well-organized credit to the gay community, and I would encourage readers and followers to visit their site. I found it interesting and well organized. They have some good programs and a credible mission. That's why I find it so very bizarre that such an apparently responsible community would open their doors to a snake-oil diploma or certificate scam like Jason Tantra's.  My question when I see "diploma" or "certificate" is where's the accreditation coming from? Which national or international oversight agency is ensuring the quality and credibility of the credentials being conferred with the "diploma" or "certificate"? My inquiries have not shown Jason Tantra to have any such credentials or authority to issue a "diploma" or "certificate" of any kind. A further question would be: What do you do with such a certificate and for what does it qualify you? Sounds like a real scam to me.

I visited and searched the University of Bristol undergraduate and graduate course and degree offerings but could find nothing close to "integrative counseling." Something's not right. But if you think that’s a vague description, join the rest of us. Too many contradictions and too few facts. By the way: What’s this guy’s real name? Good luck trying to find out about him. If you google him, you’d better like going around in circles. "A very successful corporate career in business?" Where? Doing what? Why did he leave it? What is his "extensive training?" "Worked professionally?" Does that mean he's a licensed therapist or counselor? "Several masters around the world?" Who, for example?

Another guy doing basically the same thing but from Israel, is Ray Moar. To Moar’s credit, though I must admit, he clearly differentiates between sex tantra and tantra as a way of life. Thank you Ray. Moar has a more intelligent and authentic approach to what he is marketing. Moar goes on to say that “tantric sex is not focusing on the end…it’s focusing on the partner.” I agree with Moar’s presentation of the topic because he’s right up front with the fact that he’s not talking about Tantra as a lifestyle, as we are in homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch but about solo or partner sex as a quasi-ritual moment. There’s a sort of genuineness in his humility as opposed to the ‘I know all about this and I’m gonna show you how…” Jason’s snake-oil style.

Nevertheless, what these guys are showing is their own neuroses and what they’re selling is a sex product to a vulnerable group in the packaging of so-called Tantra but what is in fact a Western perversion of the ancient and highly developed yogic Tantric tradition called Neotantra or Navatantra. It’s not tantra the spiritual discipline nor tantra the lifestyle as taught by Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch. They’re doing to the Tantric tradition what American yoga industry has done to the ancient yogic tradition: commercialized and perverted it.

Both Jonathan "Davey Wavey" (actually his first name is Jonathan and he refuses to give his last name) and Jason “Tantra” actually offer nothing to those seeking Tantric ecstasy. Both Wavey and “Tantra” are porn vendors taking advantage of an ignorant and vulnerable group of misdirected souls. In fact, neither Wavey nor “Tantra” represent anything about Tantra or personal development, both have become their brand and both have failed to develop a true Self. Both are aging stuffed shirts.

Please don’t misunderstand what I mean by “aging.” I would be the last to be charged with agism; I’m consistently promoting younger older, erastes/erosmenos, relationships because I am convinced that both the younger man and the older man benefit from such relationships. I am also not a time-bound being and live in the Eternal Now. What I mean by “aging stuffed shirts,” is that both Jonathan and Jason appear to be fighting against time rather than living comfortably in it. Now I don’t hold that against Jonathan a.k.a. Davey Wavey, since he’s a product of his lost generation (he’s at least 33 years old and from a small town in Rhode Island) but I do hold it against the fake guru, Jason Tantra, who offers nothing but a butt plug and a hand job calling it the path to bliss.

If you don't know what a certificate or diploma is or you don't know the difference, please watch this video:

Jason Tantra has no authority or credentials to issue certificates or diplomas. They're simply rubbish and a way for him to get into your pockets!
We will be inquiring with the New York State Department of Education about Jason Tantra's claims of authority to issue diploma in anything!

Jason’s arrogance and mediocrity have gone so far that he now offers a “certificate in tantra/” Now that’s something you really want to hang on your office wall: "Hey, guys! I just earned a certificate in handjob."

It seems the only "masters around the world" he's trained with are worldwide online masturbators! 

True tantra is a triad of interrelated aspects of total being: the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual. True Tantra is all about liberation, no becoming addicted to sex or physical pleasure. What Jason Tantra is is a carnival act, a snake oil vendor posing as a healer. The fact that he has hijacked Tantra to be his surname is absolutely ludicrous and shameless. In fact, in one of his YouTube videos, he actually dedicates the entire video to comparing porn with tantra!!! He's saying that porn is good. It seems the only "masters around the world" he's trained with are worldwide online masturbators! Porn has no place in healthy sex much less in a spiritual tradition like Tantra!

Jason does note in a personal communication that his single identified teacher is one calling himself "Sat Shree" who operates an organization called New Dharma in Nevada. Sat Shree's qualification is having suffered occupational exhaustion as an architect, he retreated to India for six years, where he found a "teacher." Nice for Mr Sat Shree but... ( So that's one American entrepreneur who is Jason's teacher. What about the other "masters around the world," Jas'. Who are they?

The fact that he has hijacked Tantra to be his surname is absolutely ludicrous and shameless.

I personally question his alleged “credentials” vague and ambiguous as they are, and his claim to having a degree of any kind from any reputable institution of higher learning simply because his English is so bad. If English is his language of habitual use and he’s such a “teacher” and successful business man and so-called “counselor” why can’t he write a convincing paragraph?

Moreover, in his YouTube interviews and marketing material, he comes across as someone too into his fem side and consequently unbalanced. But then, I never believed for a minute that he has any concept of the interaction and engagement of the masculine and feminine principles in individuation and the awakening of the true Self. Far from it. Both Jonathan and Jason appear to be stagnated in a hermaphroditic limbo, and have created false selfs in order to protect their actual vulnerable selfs rather than progress to awakening and awareness of the true Self. Perhaps that explains why they have become sex-bound, bound to the physical, and have not advanced beyond the senses.

In one of Jonathan’s tasteless stereotypically “queeny” YouTube posts, he’s “interviewing” Jason and there’s one clip that is makes a very serious statement about them both: Jonathan exclaims with waving arms, “I hate myself!” We know, Jonathan, we know. They are acting out the false self in order to defend their inner, secret child, a child that needs to act out an exaggerated in-your-face outrageousness Jonathan’s case and a false-self-affirming pseudo-mentor trying to convince himself as in the case of Jason.

No matter what you call a fraud, it’s still fake; it’s still a fraud. It's still selling sex. If you're selling sex, it doesn't make you a counselor or a guru, it makes you a prostitute.

I make no bones about the fact that I despise the snake-oil vendors posing as healers because I take divine masculinity and yogic Tantra very seriously. I teach a yogic homoerotic Tantra from the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual approaches, and caution anyone to avoid the one-sided, commercial and fraudulent offerings of sex tantra or as the snake-oil vendors like Jason "Tantra" call it, Neotantra. No matter what you call a fraud, it’s still fake; it’s still a fraud. It's still selling sex.

Here's an interesting article: The Dark Side of the Tantric World You will find many like it by true Tantrikas, who have remained faithful to the ancient tradition.

Another article of interest is Tantra Failed for Two Reasons (Osho), an interesting commentary despite the somewhat misleading title.
Beware of the fakes and charlatans!


  1. Tantra4GayMen diploma course has changed my life. So much more than sex.
    Highly recommended.

  2. Just looking over this page I find an abundance of negativity (even the link "facebook sucks"). Good morning, I am not quite sure about this article. It, of course, reflects you, and, thus, you seem a little bitter by someone's choices because they are not aligned with yours. Have you ever spoken with these guys? Did you take a course with Jason and was disappointed? Other than going to the website, do you have anything substantial to write that might help other men who are seeking a Tantrik experience? When was this posted? [laugh] You may be on to another topic, but I am asking because I am seeking. Namesté

  3. Hi,
    I'm Bruno, A 47 y.o. (probably ageing according to your criteria :)) man.
    I'm French so I apologize in advance if my English is not worthy of Shakespeare.

    I've met Jason in 2014 when I attended one of his workshop in London with my husband. We wanted to explore ways to increase our intimacy and also getting new options to extend our sex life. That was intriguing for me and a whole discovery.
    This weekend definitely stirred up my curiosity about Tantra and we've decided to go further.

    I have finished the Tantra diploma offered by Jason last year.
    If there is something I should complain about Jason and the diploma after reading your loooooong diatribe is that, within those 3 weeks (one week per year), I've not seen a single orgy (you were mentioning).
    What I got from the diploma though:
    - A greater self-confidence
    - A greater acceptance of my true self
    - Not being ashamed of sex anymore
    - The ability to be ecstatic and the chance to have known bliss beyond any words
    - The possibility to see love and to be more free of judgment which is so common in the gay community.
    - and so much more.

    For me this diploma is the symbol of a personal achievement in my own development. Jason never sold it to me as a justification to the world and I have never considered it as such either.

    I've done other workshops by other Tantra practitioners and so far, Jason's trainings were the one that suited me the most.
    Feel free to invite me to one of your workshops so I can compare ;)

    I think Tantra is about unconditional love (physical AND spiritual).
    I've also learnt that every single person had their own truth about the world since we only have our own perception of the reality.

    I totally respect your perception about Jason (although I think you would have a better one by effectively talking to him ;)) and my present reply is to offer mine.


    Bruno Tantra :)

  4. Thank you, Bruno, for your very balanced comment. I appreciate your words and thank you for taking the time to respond.

    Age is a number, Bruno, if we navigate in the Eternal Now and are present to the moment, we don't talk about age. Please don't age yourself

    I am very pleased for you and your Tantric Partner that you have found a path in Tantra; even more pleased if you were to share that you have embarked on the journey of yogic Tantra (the overall non-sex variety).

    I would be delighted to have you visit one of our Tantric ritual sessions; they're quite beautiful.

    I have gotten quite a few comments and I will attempt to respond to them in accordance with their quality and credibility; some may not be worth a response, others may require a very compassionate, considered response.

    I wanted to respond to yours because it struck me as being from a very authentic man.

    Thank you,

  5. Hello GDK,

    Wow! to read an article about yourself as I have just done, well it’s quite difficult to read … not sure if you have been on the receiving end of yourself, feels like a harsh place to be.

    [Lengthy section redacted as irrelevant to article.]

    I am replying to your article because I feel i I do not respond that someone might actually believe everything you have written and decide not to come to a space that could potentially be deeply healing for them. I worry that in them reading this article they would choose not to come, and yet it could be the very space they need to work on their won [sic; recte "own"] personal stuff that causes them so much pain and suffering.

    I am clearly asking you to take down this article because of this and I am freely inviting you to come to one of my workshops, and then please do then write an article about your experience, how you found it, and the truth of that experience for you as a potential pathway to help other gay men heal.

    And yes my grammar is dreadful …. I hear that (am working on a content writer to help me).

    Love Jason xoxo

  6. I have received a response from Jason T. and am publishing that response in redacted form, since it is a very lengthy comment that far exceeds the length I normally allow. Furthermore, Jason's "comment" is more of a promotional article on its own. I will not make this blog a forum for Jason T's musings.

    While I am grateful to Jason for taking the time to respond, I would have been more impressed if he had avoided the marketing and simply responded to the parts of my article he felt needed a reply. He didn't do that.

    While I am very well informed about Tantra, Jason finds it necessary to inform me that

    Tantra is an unregulated industry / practice, and you are right, anyone can call themselves a tantra teacher. So what people have to reply on is reputation and word of mouth...In the Tantra that I offer it is about finding your own path towards your own truth, to answer you own questions. [my emphasis]

    I do regret the fact that Jason writes nothing that would persuade even a sympathetic but critical reader that he is particularly qualified even in an "unregulated industry", simply by reputation or word-of-mouth.

    I do wish to remark that in most states in the USA, therapy, counseling, and massage are regulated and in most states require licensure. I would guess that if Jason were a minister or a priest of Sanatana Dharma he might pass under the radar of regulatory scrutiny and fall under the Establishment Clause as a religion but to my knowledge Jason's NeoTantra, a Western perversion of yogic Tantra, is not a religion as currently practiced.

    Jason invites me to participate or to visit one of his "workshops" and to review it. I must respectfully decline such an offer for reasons that should be obvious from my article. If a madam were to offer me a freebie to convince myself of the quality of her brothel, I would have to decline that generous offer as well. Suffice it to say that I have reviewed Jason T's many YouTube marketing videos, including his video on why pornography is compatible with Tantra, and I based by review on what I found in those videos. I seriously doubt that visiting one of his "workshops" would change my opinion of what he is doing as described in my article.

    Jason seems to have assumed the role of teacher-therapist-love guru and is offering all of these services in the shape of "workshops". Tantra is not a workshop item. Jason is offering certificate/diploma in Tantra but I'm still at a loss to know the basis of offering these so-called diplomas or certificates (he calls them by both names), what his credentials are for offering diplomas or certificates, which are in themselves "credentials" or qualifications, who is accrediting his programs, and for what these diplomas and certificates qualify their holders.

    Jason asks outright that the article be removed from this blog. I regret that I cannot comply with that request since there is nothing in that article that I wish to recant or that Jason has convinced me is untrue. Contrary to Jason's remark that it is "defamation" it clearly does not qualify as defamation, at least not pursuant to the laws in the USA (the laws in the UK are quite different in this regard).

    Without a compelling reason to do so, I do not simply remove articles on request.

    It seems I'm violating my own rules as to comment length so I must stop now.


  7. You abbreviated Jason’s reply but your reply to him is much longer. Of course as Editor you have that right, but it gives an odd impression of your intentions.

    I have replied to the original blog separately.

  8. Yes, Steve, you are quite right on three points: The first, that I abbreviated Jason's reply is correct. I actually redacted his reply because I refuse to make this a soapbox for his confessions and marketing palaver. As I mention in my response to him, had he responded to any of the allegations in the article, those explanations or rebuttals would have been included in his published response. An editor's job is to cut out garbage and provide substance in the material published; that's exactly what I did.

    Yes, my response is rather longer than the redacted version of Jason's response but is not longer than his original diatribe. But I do note at the end of my response that I was getting a bit lengthy and may be violating my own rules.

    Certainly you could not have missed my statement at the end:

    "It seems I’m violating my own rules as to comment length so I must stop now."

    But while you were concentrating on the wordcount you may have missed some of the substance.

    And YES! as Editor, I do have certain privileges, like breaching my own rules. One of the perqs.

    If the length of my response creates an "odd impression of [my] intentions," may I suggest that you forego a criticism of the wordcount, if you can, and concentrate on the content in terms of what I say. That might help you in crystalizing a more reliable "impression of [my] intentions." Try reading the response and understanding what is being said and then, if you like, comment on the content and not the wordcount.

    Thank you for your comment.

    P.s. You mention you replied to the original blog separately but I don't see your reply. Can you clarify?

  9. In the end, I find your blog rather negative and sad.. You give the impression that Tantra is about cultivating anger, even hatred: is highly competitive, about self promotion and attacking rivals.

    You give hardly any real evidence to back your strong opinions. What, for example, is your evidence or source that Jason’s weekend workshops are orgies? All the ones I have attended, and the afternoon workshops I run, are not orgies it’s made clear in the instructions sent in advance,
    and verbally on the day, that the taught structure must be kept to. That structure excludes any act that risks crossing fluids, or any kind of penetration. .

    I wonder about your tone as a Tantra Teacher. I feel sad about your blog as I wonder what it is like to live 24/7 with that much anger and such distance from concrete evidence. It feels similar to your outrage against femme men in your blog on being a radical masculinist. I have never found any Tantra source so vitriolic and combative. Indeed much of what you say is Tantra seems far closer to a campaigning militant antifeminism.

    You claim that Jason has weak credentials as a Tantra Teacher: but what are yours? Which guru(s) are you in touch with that you have gained your views from? I invite you consider that Tantra might not be about such vehement anger, hatred, divisiveness and rivalry.

    Finally, and not perhaps my biggest concern. But - since you press the point against Jason so strongly - it is, to put it mildly, extremely unfortunate for your case that your blog has the spelling ‘bisexsual’ in block capitals near the start. Can you cite a reputable dictionary that has that spelling of a word very relevant to the area you claim such great expertise in, i.e. sexuality?
    Literacy might be a trivial point regarding spirituality - I think the Buddha and many classical Tantric teachers were illiterate. But your making such a huge thing of a fault you yourself show (in the same blog lambasting another’s spelling) will suggest to many readers that you do not have the authority you seem to claim.

    (I should declare an interest in having been connected to Tantra4gaymen for nearly four years now and am a T4GM masseur and workshop Facilitator. But I don’t think that affects my points above).

  10. Well, Steve, I expect you will be grateful for my approving your comment in its entirety.

    After all is said and done, I was aware of your intimate connection with Jason Tantra and your involvement with Tantra4GayMen. I also think it is interesting that you mention in your post:

    "I should declare an interest in having been connected to Tantra4gaymen for nearly four years now and am a T4GM masseur and workshop Facilitator. But I don’t think that affects my points above."

    Surely, you must be joking when you think that your intimate (no puns intended) connection with Jason and his enterprise would not color your comments! My readers are far more intelligent and intuitive than you give them credit for. I'm handing you the benefit of doubt and practicing compassion when I allow you that concession. But please, don't attempt a second time to insult our intelligence.

    As for the remainder of your comment, it seems you are projecting a conspicuous defensiveness, and defensiveness is an indicator of insecurity. Furthermore, it's puerile (= childish) to exhibit such insecurity and to read your own fantasies into the texts of the article(s).

    A salient and very noteworthy point can be made for your avoidance (or is it denial) of the facts. Neither you nor Jason have actually responded with refuting facts nor with any real response to anything in the article(s). Again, in a pre-adolescent demonstration of defensiveness, you replace intellect with emotion. I find that alien to any concept of awareness, self-knowledge, consciousness, or even yogic principles, which is not surprising when I consider the content of T4GM or Jason's amateurish videos and questionable teaching.

    Both you and Jason seem to have a compulsive tendency to obsess and of avoidance defensive behavior. Worse still, you seem ignorant of the Tantras and what they teach as well ignorance as to the śhruti and smrti, a fact that I find bizarre if you and your handlers are claiming to be Tantrika. I do realize, however -- and you should, too, if you are at all familiar with the literature -- that you are practicing a deranged mishapen Western bastard child of true Tantra.

    As for my professional credentials, if you were to go beyond your self-serving interests, and were to read the Homoerotic Tantra blog, you would not have to wonder about my credentials. I daresay they are far more extensive than yours or Jason's; of that you can be certain.

    Finally, let me thank you for pointing out the typo, the single typo you were able to find. (Again your penchant for concentrating on words and not meaning further impugns your comments). I assure you, I shall correct the misspelt word immediately. That should calm your spirit for the moment.

    Thank you once again for your comment. I was pleased to post it as a confirmation of what I have expressed in my published opinions.

    By the way, a next article will discuss T4GM's tax status in the UK and in the US. Jason indicates that Tantra is unregulated and that raises suspicions that he thinks T4GM and its revenues should fall below the radar of the Home Office and the IRS and state departments of taxation and finance. Can you comment on T4GM's tax status for us? Does Jason pay UK taxes or US taxes on the revenues generated by the programs? I don't see any indication of business structure but I may also be guilty of not spending enough time on the T4GM site. Save us some time and in your next comment, tell us about Jason's and T4GM's tax status.

    Thank you,

    P.s. If you read some of the links I provide in my articles, you will find that many others share my concerns. I am using Jason Tantra and his enterprise Tantra4GayMen as an illustrative example of the problem.

  11. I am new to this site and I haven’t read all the blogs. Is there a particular blog or an ‘About’ section that describes your training?

    But on training and what tantra is, I agree that the neo-Tantra in Tantra4gaymen is not within traditional lines of transmission. My understanding is that tantra is a diverse phenomenon and that western forms differ a lot from the Tibetan lineages. The tantra discussed here draws upon ancient and new sources, eg the controversial OSHO. Whether neo-Tantra being drawn from several sources makes it bastardised or adaptive to the age is a matter of opinion.

  12. Dear Steve:

    MY training and education is not the issue here. We should stay on topic, that is, Tantra4GayMen and Jason Tantra.

    Thank you for agreeing that NeoTantra (also known by the Sanskrit NavaTantra) is not observant of "traditional lines of transmission." You are correct that the Tantric Dharma is a diverse tradition and certainly does differ considerably from the Tibetan schools of Tantra as well as from the Hindu schools, from which the Tibetan lineages evolved. The yogic Tantra of Homoerotic Tantra draws on both the Yoga Darshana of Patanjali and the various Tantric texts and sacred texts of the Sanatana Dharma which, naturally, must be "interpreted" in the contemporary setting. NeoTantra, like most of Western yoga (a truncated version of traditional Hatha Yoga ["hatha" -- ha = sun, tha=moon, = balanced movement] simply refers to the practice of physical yoga postures) has been bastardized in that both have been taken piecemeal from an intact parent and, consequently, have no claim to a clear succession or lineage (hence, bastardized).

    Most ancient traditions have been contemporized in one way or the other and so rendered "adaptive to the age," as you articulated it, but none have so severed their connection with their lineage or succession. Regretably, NeoTantra is just that, a novelty, not an adaptation or a reform movement; it is an invention and, incontestably, is based on sex as sex and not as a path to real transcendence or transformation.

    While I may reveal some bias, I liken Neotantra without the completeness of the disciplines (sadhanas) or the yogic principles (yamas and niyamas) or the discipline of regular mindfulness meditation, and most importantly well-designed and meaningful and rituals with rich content, to a quadriplegic at a discotheque: a curiosity that is out of place.

    Again, I must emphasize that I have studied the Tantra for Gay Men site and have taken due note of the variety of collaborators featured on the site, noting especially a self-described "international porn star" and sex worker (in an older vernacular, a prostitute), and another who doesn't outright call himself a "sex worker" but gives every indication of his metier. During my university studies in the UK we called his ilk "rent boys."

    Furthermore, for those of us in the psychospiritual professions, it seems very odd that Jason found it appropriate and expedient to promote Tantra 4 Gay Men in a presentation with Davey Wavey, whose reputation is well-known in the gay community and is tantamount to soft-porn, if I may be generously kind with my description of him. To associate Tantra or even NeoTantra with such a promoter of rubbish and pure physical lust does nothing to endear Jason or his enterprise to the more serious Tantrika nor does it do so-called NeoTantra any favor by such associations. I'm writing from the perhaps incorrect assumption that Jason's goal is to lend credibility to NeoTantra and his enterprise or to educate the general gay and bisexual public about his enterprise.

    Quite frankly he has succeeded in doing neither; in fact, he navigates perilously closely to becoming a negative stereotype and might be well advised to find a more persuasive spokesperson, that is, if he can get some help for his narcissism.

    I continue in my opinion that Jason T. is simply another promoter of a self-serving product that attracts a needful demographic that should be seeking help elsewhere; Tantra4GayMen is a Band-Aid(R) for a deeper injury and that's where I draw the distinction between therapy and spirituality.

    I am diverging from the substance of your comment. Forgive me.

    Kind regards,

  13. If that's true, one shudders to think what your "life" was before!!! And thank you for your assessment that it's "so much more than sex." That is not quite believable given the content of Jason's YouTube sex diatribes and the fact that he admits his enterprise is "Neotantra," which translates into the New Age "sacred" sex thing.

    I would agree that it is "so much more than sex"; it's so much more sex!!!

    Thank you for your confession.

  14. Well, Joe, there's an ancient wisdom that goes like this: "The world is a reflection of you." You find what you look for, that's your conditioning. If you find negativity, you're probably projecting it yourself, and that doesn't say very much for your acquisition of wisdom at the hands of the Jason Tantra team. But then, I'd bet you give a real mean handjob.

    Thanks for your comment,

  15. Wow, you didn't answer one of my questions and replied with an intent to insult. [laugh] The "Thanks for your comment" seems insincere. I will look for guidance elsewhere.

  16. Well, Joe, you are correct. I didn't respond to your "questions," since a fair reading of your comment makes the impression that your "questions" were more rhetorical, that is, self-serving, that substantial. They weren't answered because they are, in fact, immaterial; you did not actually ask any questions relevant to the article. Whether or not I have visited the T4GM website or whether I have had the dubious pleasure of experiencing one of Jason Tantra's neotantric sick souls therapy session is totally immaterial. I rely on my initial response to your comment but I would like to take the opportunity to ask you for some clarification: You state that you are "seeking". Seeking what?

    Thank you [sincerely] for your comment.
