Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Brief Sampler: the Benefits of Homoerotic Tantra

A Brief Sampler of What Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-In-Touch Offers You

An excerpt from the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch article, "Homoerotic Rituals: Putting Meaning Back into Eroticism between Men."

The Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch Program is extensive and much too complex to be fully explained or even described in a single article. In fact, the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch Disciples Manual that I am preparing for subscribing disciples runs more than 100 pages! And that's not including the many blog and website articles available to viewers and authorized visitors nor does it include the one-on-one email and chat consultations!

I am providing some brief Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch ritual experiences below. What I am presenting here is just a sampler and does not, cannot include the valuable lessons and insights that are provided by me on the journey to Homoerotic Tantric ecstasy and bliss. (The full ritual training will be published soon on the Homoerotic Tantra: Mascul-IN-Touch website.)

Homoerotic sensuality is not a more mature alternative to the spontaneous, hungry, predatory sexual activity of the porn videos or what may occur in reality between two strangers eager to get to the finish line and score another hit. Homoerotic sensuality is reaching out and touching, spiritually and physically, the other. It requires being in your body, loving your body, savoring your life in this moment, and allowing your five senses to feed on your engagement of the other. It’s a real shift from conventional sex, and the experience is fundamental to male-to-male communication, bonding and health.

Before we start: Make certain you have some lube and some massage oil ready and warmed. Dim the lights to almost darkness and light 6-8 tea lights or other candles. Set the room temperature to a comfortable “naked temperature.” If you have an incense burner or an essential oil vaporizer start them. Prep a comfortable place to lie down, either a bed or a mat on the floor. If you are alone, remove any tight-fitting clothing or get naked; just drape a towel across your cock and balls. close your eyes, run your fingers from your neck to your balls and imagine the scenes and the actions I am going to describe below. As you prepare yourself, visualize. what makes you hard? Practice this exercise but don’t finish yourself. Hold back.

Continued...Read the whole article on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website: Homoerotic Rituals: Putting Meaning Back into Eroticism between Men.

If you are having trouble viewing the full article on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch protected website, please send an email requesting access to Gay Daka Karuna. You can also get access information in the recent article: How to Access the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch Website.

Use the Follow this Blog feature (on the right side of this page) to subscribe and receive automatic email notification of new posts and comments to this blog or to receive advance notification of new Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website pages.

Men without Chests...

Men Without Chests, Feelings, Souls?

What is becoming of the American man?

We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and  enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” C.S. Lewis, The Abolition Of Man[1]

Please note: The complete article has been moved to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website. Please visit that site to access the complete updated article. If you experience any trouble accessing the new website, please email Gay Daka Karuna (William) and request access authorization.

Sigmund Freud coined the term "penis envy" to describe women's envy of masculinity. Since then, there's been more than "penis envy;" there's job envy, body envy, spirit envy, "whatever-a-man-has" envy.

There is a plethora of evidence in the literature and media over the past couple of decades that point to the fact that men today, especially men in America, need a makeover — desperately.

There has been an alarming decline in male self-awareness and masculinity over the past 30 or so years, judging from the research, that points to the fact that men are losing touch with themselves and, consequently, losing touch with reality. The all-consuming female principle has gone unchecked or has been turned lose by an increasingly complacent and out-of-touch society, and the result is imbalance and chaos. It cannot and likely will not have a good end. The sages have predicted this to be the final yuga or age, the age of the destructive female demon-goddess Kali, an age of darkness.

Metaphorically, the four Yuga epochs symbolize the four phases of involution during which the human race gradually lost the awareness of their inner selves and subtle bodies.

This teaching interprets the epochs of time (yugas) to represent the degree of loss of righteousness in the world. This teaching suggests that during Satya Yuga, only truth prevailed (Sanskrit Satya = truth, is one of the fundamental principles of yogic Tantra). During the Treta Yuga, the universe lost one-fourth of the truth, and duing the Dwapar Yuga, the world lost one-half of the truth. Now, in this current yuga, the Kali Yuga is left with only one-fourth of the truth. Evil and dishonesty have therefore gradually replaced truth in the last three ages.

We have had the benefit of prophetic writers like C.S. Lewis, George Orwell, and Aldous Huxley, who had predicted prophetically the current state of affairs. The sages of Sanatana Dharma and other faith and belief traditions warned of the “decline of mankind,” and we are witnessing it on a global scale everywhere. We do indeed live in the fourth yuga, the yuga of darkness, dishonesty, and evil.

Being a student of Sanatana Dharma and yogic Tantra, and being a male who cherishes above all his masculinity and defends it ferociously while remaining like the lotus, I attribute much of what is going on with the political and cultural assaults on masculinity and the decline of men to a fundamental imbalance in the masculine and feminine principles in the world, in our culture, and in ourselves. That balance has to be restored if we are to survive.

That’s why I took the step to create the discipline of Homoerotic Tantra: Mascul-IN-Touch; men have to get back in touch with themselves and each other, and I believe that Homoerotic Tantra is a key to doing that.

Read the whole article on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

How to Access the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch Website

[caption id="attachment_693" align="aligncenter" width="300"] (Click on the image above to go to the site.)[/caption]

The Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch (acronym: HET:MIT)website is ready to go and LIVE.

The site is “private” which means that you will need to request authorization to enter the website and to view its contents. The reason for the “private” setting is to ensure that only real men can access the site (as opposed to crawlers, search engines, and lurkers). The other reason is because the website content is adult in nature and may be offensive to some persons who accidentally or even intentionally access the site and then become offended by the contents. I am not here to offend but to awaken and to teach.

You can send an email requesting access to me, Gay Daka Karuna. Once approved you will receive an email from the site (WordPress host) with an invitation. Just accept and confirm you want access.

A second method that may be required by Wordpress is to create a user account and user name. See below.

Since the site is “private”, you will see a “Protected Blog” page if you’re not logged into your account when trying to view the site. All viewers added to a private site must have a account — this ensures that only those people I’ve authorized are able to view the site contents: Please see below for information on how to create your account.

When you click Request an Invite, I will receive an email with your username requesting access. I will then send you a very short form asking you for some information about yourself. That information is for my use only and will be held strictly confidential. Once you return the form, I will authorize access for your WordPress username. It’s that simple!

Be sure to follow this blog (use the Follow this Blog button to the right) to ensure you receive email updates, which will be published here.

Here’s how you create your WordPress account and get your username.

Thank you!

[caption id="attachment_684" align="aligncenter" width="150"] Click to send email.[/caption]

How to create your WordPress User Account

Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch

How to Create a WordPress User Account

The Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch is a restricted website that requires authorization to access the content. This is necessary because the content is adult in nature and not intended for the general public.

WordPress requires that persons interested in requesting access to a “private” site to have a WordPress username and that involves a very short process of creating a WordPress account. I do apologize for this small inconvenience but it is not my choice; it’s WordPress policy.

First go to You will be sent to a page where you will enter your account information. Creating the account and username is free.

Give some thought to what you want to use as a username. Once you are granted access, I will send you a number of Sanskrit names and ask you to choose one that you will use as a Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch disciple. That will be the name by which you will be publically known to other subscribers and the name you will use when communicating with Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch and other subscribers. You may, of course, share your personal details with any other subscriber but I do ask that you do that privately and not using the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website or blog.

Steps for Creating Your WordPress User Account

 Step 1 of 4:

  1. On the start-up form fill in the email address you want Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch to use.

  2. Create a User Name

  3. Create a Password

Step 2 of 4:

  1. Create a name for your site. Give some thought to this step because you may want to use the site for blogging or for a website in future. You can change this name later, if you wish.

  2. Fill in the “What is your site about?” field. I suggest something simple like: Personal Development or something similar. You can change this later, if you wish.

  3. What is the primary goal of your site? Well, for now it’s “To share ideas, experience, etc.”

  4. The last item on this page before clicking Continue is to indicate your experience with websites.

Step 3 of 4:     This step is actually 2 steps.

In the first step you will give your site a name. Again, give some thought to this step because the name you give your new site will be the new domain name. Once you create this name, I don’t believe you will be able to change it. But it will be yours for life so think about it.

Once you enter your new domain name, hit enter and you will be brought to a second part of Step 3:

Just click the first option: FREE, and continue.

Step 4:

Again, just click the first option: FREE, and your account will be created.

Once you create your account WordPress will send you an email to the email you provided, asking you to confirm your account.

Once you confirm your email your account will be created and you will be able to request access to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch site.

The added benefit to this process is that you will now have a blogging account and a domain name for creating your own sites. Now or at any time in the future.

Congratulations! You are now a blogger/website owner!

The final step is to go to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch site and request access. You will do this from your WordPress account you just created.

Once I authorize access to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch site, I will send you instructions on how to change your username to your Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch username, if you wish to change your account username. This is not mandatory because the WordPress account you just created is yours, and you may want to use it for other purposes. But the Sanskrit name you receive at the time of authorization is the name you will be know by to Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch subscribers.


Monday, February 18, 2019

Update: Homoerotic Tantra: Men in Touch Website Launch

Dear Friends and Followers:

I am pleased to announce that I have made such progress in developing the Homoerotic Tantra: Men in Touch (HET:MiT©) program, that I anticipate that the program web site will be launched with its initial offerings in the coming week.

Dear Friends and Followers:

The HET:MiT program website, because of the topics I discuss and the content, will start off as an "invitation only" site until I can get the "age restricted" controls installed. That means that in the initial weeks, men wanting to join us will first see a notice screen that advises that visitors will have to request an invitation from me. That's a very simple process that you can start right now by sending me an email to Gay Daka Karuna. Once the site is launched, I'll notify you and give you the access code. At this time and until the final pages are posted, the site is public access.

You should also "follow" this blog if you are not doing so already. I will regularly post notification of new topics and modules appearing on the Homoerotic Tantra: Men in Touch website with short synopses of the new post. If you follow this blog, you'll get automatic email notification of the new posts.

[caption id="attachment_666" align="aligncenter" width="394"] Join me for the JOY, ECSTASY, and BLISS of Men-in-Touch![/caption]

I anticipate that the HET:MiT program will be a real hit. For starters, you should read the articles I've posted on this blog; that will give you an idea of the direction and content of HET:MiT program. It would be great if you were to discuss the blog and the website with friends who might be interested and, if you find it helpful, to recommend it to men you thing would be interested and benefit.

This is a site for gay and bi-sexual men and I make no apologies for that fact. Homoerotic Tantra (HET) is, in a sense, a reaction to the decline of masculinity in the West, a decline owing largely to the weakness and lack of self-esteem of the heterosexual male, and his surrender of his natural and cosmic masculinity to the all-devouring feminists.

Throughout recorded history the female has been depicted on a spectrum from the beautiful to the ugly; the latter has predominated from the Egyptian female deity Ammit, who was a demoness and goddess in ancient Egyptian religion, and who had a body that was part lion, part hippopotamus, and part crocodile—the three largest "man-eating" animals known . Not much has changed in terms of the masculinity-consuming aspect.

Even in the Tantric tradition, the feminine principle, Shakti, counterpart of the masculine principle, Shiva, is associated with inert material and destruction, and women are thought to be vessels of Shakti and thus possess powers of creation and destruction, although in Tantric tradition she has been tamed.

[caption id="attachment_667" align="aligncenter" width="564"] The sensation of male sensuality is yours.[/caption]

Far from being a misogynist, despite what my rant might sound like at first blush, gay and bisexual men should not have to accept the short shrift accepted by straight men, creatures who have bent backs because of the weight of culture, feminism, and unawareness-of-self that they must carry – much of it their own fault. While I'm certain that straight men would benefit immensely from contact with HET:MiT, the truth is that they are too up-tight about themselves and too unaware of themselves to be able to surrender to vulnerability, a practice essential to HET:MiT.

Homoerotic Tantra offers the unique opportunity to gay and bisexual men (if there even is such a fence-sitting animal), men who throughout history and across cultures have had the courage to represent their masculine principle and their feminine principle in a unique lifestyle, to discover the awakening of yogic Homoerotic Tantra, and to participate in the interweaving of masculine physicality/sensuality, mind and emotion, and spirituality.

Homoerotic Tantra is, as followers of the Homoerotic Tantra ritual program, "Mascul-IN- Touch", will experience, an awakening at all levels of the physical, emotional, and spiritual, which few have ever thought of.

Homoerotic Tantra as I’ve developed in the HET:MiT program combines erotic experience with intellectual challenge, physicality with emotion, sensuality with spirituality; it’s not for the lethargic, the unfit, or the faint of heart. It takes dedication and work.

Some of the subjects we’ll be sharing include: Homoerotic Tantric Ritual (Tantric Bodywork), Chakras, yogic Tantra and Fitness, Semen: The Ancient Elixir of Life, Yoga and Men, Tantric Spirituality. That’s what the initial site will offer in addition to updates on the Homoerotic Tantra Blog. Each month new topics will be posted and a subscription education and formation program is in the development stage, that is, a program that will train followers in a Homoerotic Tantric discipline.

WARNING: Homoerotic Tantra is intended for well-balanced, fit, and curious gay men. It offers a lot to like-minded bisexual men, that is, men who find that they can open up themselves when in the company of other men, where they can surrender to their true selves, something impossible with their female companions. Homoerotic Tantra is not for gay or bisexual men who are seeking a cheap thrill or those who have embodied the stereotype of the objectified gay man (the sex toy or sex addict, lonely, low self-esteem and self-loathing). Homoerotic Tantra is a physical, emotional and spiritual self-development journey; it is not therapy and not intended to fix broken people.

If you are not a gay or bisexual man, or an extraordinary straight man, and at least 18 years of age you are advised not to visit the HET:MiT site. If you are offended by nature, nudity, sexuality, openness, or the exclusive use of male pronouns (he, him, his), your trespass will likely be unpleasant for you.

If you have psychological or spiritual challenges that are an unbearable challenging in your life or seem to be insurmountable obstacles, this site will not be helpful to you.

If on the other hand, you have the right stuff, and you continue on to visit the HET:MiT web site, you will find that it is not accessible to the public. I have made the site “invitation only” because of the topics discussed and the content. When you go to the Homoerotic Tantra site you will receive a message instructing you to request access from me. You can do that by email to Gay Daka Karuna.

Again, HET:MiT is a site for gay and bisexual men seeking and willing to participate in spiritual awakening and awareness through Tantric ritual and the physical and supernatural senses.

If you are a male over 18 and are mature — capable of taking responsibility and being authentic —,  and you are looking for positive direction in your physical, intellectual and psychological,  and spiritual life join us.

Of course, if you have any questions please leave a public comment on this blog or, if you prefer, send a private and confidential message to me at Gay Daka Karuna.


I’ll look forward to welcoming you as my companion on the Homoerotic Tantra – Men in Touch journey to ecstasy and bliss.

[1] If you are doing your sadhana (spirituality), every time you bring your palms together, there is a crackle of energy – a boom is happening. On the level of your life energy, there is a giving, or you are making yourself into an offering to the other person. In that giving, you will make the other being into a life that will cooperate with you. Only if you are in a state of giving, things around will work out for you. This is so for every life. Only if it gets the cooperation of all life around itself, it manages to prosper.