Sunday, December 17, 2017

What Makes a Younger-Older Relationship Work, More Desirable?

This Is Why Younger-Older Is Better!


Please note: The complete article has been moved to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website. Please visit that site to access the complete updated article. If you experience any trouble accessing the new website, please email Gay Daka Karuna (William) and request access authorization.

Younger-Older relationships are very misunderstood, even by men who think that they prefer younger-older relationships. Younger-older is plagued also by the cultural heterosexual reproductive stereotypes that dictate that only young persons, heterosexual, and close in age should partner up. That's because the whole partnering thing was intended to promote procreation, not stable, growth relationships benefitting both the partners. Heterosexual procreative partnerships, unlike younger-older partnerships, had survival of the species in mind, not personal growth and sharing with procreation taking a back-seat to shared life and growth (procreation not being an option, particularly in the case of gay men).
The unfortunate fact that everyone has an opinion and judges according to what makes them feel most comfortable is aggravated by the inappropriate application of heterosexual conventions to gay male relationships. There's also a gender double-standard between women and men when it comes to younger-older dating and relationships; it's been acceptable for generations for younger women to date older men but for some reason our culture has been less kind to younger men dating or in relationships with older men. For women it's "sexy," for men, it seems, there has to be some exploitation going on. That's idiotic, unfair, and blatantly sexist!

We can all agree that the younger-older, the mister-daddy relationship can have a darker side, just as any relationship between two persons may have. I'm thinking here of the exploitive types of relationships where the younger man may exploit the older man. This is not unusual when the older man is unrealistic and perhaps lonely. Unrealistic because he fails to cope with the fact that he may have an image of himself that is discordant with reality: he has failed to take care of himself and may be barking up the wrong tree. Then there's the younger man who has ambitions and sees in the older man an opportunity to achieve social status or even financial advantage, a kind of vanilla prostitution. The reverse can also be true. There are the situations where the older man can attract a vulnerable younger man by promises of advancement, gifts, even a home, but is only exploiting the younger man for physical pleasure or for feeding his ego. All of these situations are possible and do happen, despite the fact that they are immoral, unfair, and degrading to both parties.

But the dark, ugly side is possible only when one or both of the partners are disordered, unaware, or just plain evil.

Read the whole article on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Are You Engaging in Self-Defeating/Self-Destructive Behavior?

You might be asking yourself what such a question as self-destructive behavior has to do with Homoerotic Tantra. And I'd have to reply that it's a damn good question. But it has a lot to do with Homoerotic Tantra because tantra has everything to do with awareness, awakening, finding truth, living in the moment, being present, and being in touch with and communicating with one's true self. Self-deceiving, self-defeating or self-destructive behavior does none of that; in fact, it's the antithesis of Homoerotic Tantra, and I hope this article helps you to understand that fact, and that you will enjoy an awakening of the spirit in virtue of that understanding. Namasté, brothers!

Please note: The complete article has been moved to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website. Please visit that site to access the complete updated article. If you experience any trouble accessing the new website, please email Gay Daka Karuna (William) and request access authorization.

An Age of Addictions

We live in an age of dehumanization, of materialism, consumerism, anxiety, loneliness, and isolation. We have more addictions today than anyone would have imagined a generation ago: gaming, shopping, drugs, sex, spectator sports, work, there's even a psychiatrically recognized Internet Addiction Disorder or IAD[1], which has its own set of symptoms and subcategories, Facebook Addiction Syndrome[2], Gaming Addiction Syndrome[3]! We live in an age of isolation and control.

The 3-Ds: Deception, Defeat, Destruction, have nothing to do with dimension or depth.

But the isolation is a disorder in its own right, and the control is coming from the outside, the media, your smartphone, social media, and it's everywhere but cleverly concealed. The anxiety and other signs of the times are expressed in a particular way: the self-deception, self- defeating, self-destructive behaviors (cumulatively referred to as “SDB” below). We observe the SDBs all around us. They follow a trajectory running from the innocuous to the deceptive to the defeating to the destructive behavior that can even result in suicide. SDB can represent all or any of these three stages at any given time -- the 3-Ds: deception, defeat, destruction, have nothing to do with dimension or depth. Sounds like a military war  strategy, doesn't it? Well, my friends, we are at war: internall‎y with ourselves and externally with those who want to control us, the “controllers.”[4]

SDB is one of the manifestations of the conflict. SDB is manifested physically in deterioration of one's health or even suicide. Mentally in becoming obsessive and compulsive thoughts or beliefs that manifest in SDB. Socially by interfering with normal personal and social interactions. Spiritually by altering one's perception of reality, appreciations of core values, altered self- awareness, deterioration of awareness, obstruction of awakening, altered perception of truth. SDB may be deliberate and intentional, uncontrolled or impulsive, or the SDB may develop over time as a habit or even as an identity. Yes, you can become your SDB.

The photo is not the real person and the profile is not true. 

Read the whole article on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Go ahead and kill the conversation. Ask "How old are you?"

Once sure way to kill a conversation or to invite a lie is to ask "How old are you?" in a chat or message. First of all, it shows how stupid you can be, because you are asking a question but have no way to know if the answer is the truth! "How old are you?" when you realize there are two alternatives: either the person will tell you the truth or he will lie. Your only concern is the answer, not whether it's true or not. So why een ask? And forget the profiles! Many don't have photos and if they do, the majority are not of the subscriber. Many profiles are incomplete or provide fake information. Most subscribers on social media have already become addicts and voyeurs, so the logical next step in their self-decepation is to subject themselves to more fake reality. How pitiful does it, can it get?

Don't ask me "How old are you?
Ask me "How young are you?"
Even better, DON'T EVEN ASK!

Please note: The complete article has been moved to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website. Please visit that site to access the complete updated article. If you experience any trouble accessing the new website, please email Gay Daka Karuna (William) and request access authorization.

I really believe in honesty, trust, vulnerability, love. I hope I've made that impression in my posts on this blog.
I also have a deep aversion to stereotypes and to ignorance. I hope I've mad that impression in my posts on this blog, too.
I'm also convinced of and committed to the value of older-younger relationships, and I hope I have made that clear, as well.

I average about 1000 new friend requests each month on Facebook. I've tried to filter out a lot of the new requests by asking that only men between 25 and 50 respond, and that the languages be kept to English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. I think that’s fair because I do want to respond to chats and messages but if I respond and the person at the other end doesn’t do any of my languages, were both screwed and disappointed. I think that being honest and up front saves everyone a lot of stress and disappointment.

My response usually puts an end to the communication

Another pet peeve that I have is when I respond to a message or a chat and I get hit with the idiotic question, “How old are you?” My response usually puts an end to the communication and I terminate the chat or the message exchange. Why? Because, as I’ve said a number of times on this blog, I don’t play the numbers game. I don’t care about age, income, number of men you’re juggling, how many fake friends you have, or anything other than who you are and whether you are on the right path. As soon as you ask me “How old are you?” I know who you are and that you’re on the wrong path.

In a healthy relationship age doesn’t matter.

Read the whole article on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Erotic Intelligence. What is it? Do you have it?

As men, whether straight or gay, we are subjected to different standards in our day-to-day lives but even more so in our erotic life. Men have to constantly be prepared for rejection at some level, men have to deal with anxiety associated with inadequacy. Men have to prove themselves. But to be honest, to be honest with ourselves, we’ve set ourselves up, and we do it almost self-defeatingly and Oh! so very well.

Please note: The complete article has been moved to the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website. Please visit that site to access the complete updated article. If you experience any trouble accessing the new website, please email Gay Daka Karuna (William) and request access authorization.


Most of the men I have met or who contact me have no idea who they are. The have one personality on the street, one on the job, one with their families, and yet another one in bed. And you thought it was hard to juggle multiple men in your life? Most of you are juggling multiple men in your heads!

We men, especially we gay men, have to adopt a different mindset, we have to have a change of heart not only regarding the outside world around us but the inside world within ourselves. We have to have one mind: we are good enough! And we have to stop thinking that Mr. Perfect is going to be interested in us. Unless you are perfect, and no one, including myself, who I know comes even close to perfect, you’re gonna lose. And who likes a loser.

A guy recently contacted me because he saw my profile picture on Facebook. Like so many others, he assumed that the picture, although it is clearly enhanced, might be me. If he had taken the time to read my timeline before contacting me and didn’t become infatuated with a fiction, he would have done much better. But that’s the problem with many of the guys online: they’re looking for a fiction, a fantasy; they’ve lost contact with reality, with their human need for relationship, and are too ready for a quick fix with Mary and her four sisters. Online social media has become porn and masturbation has become the new relationship. Guys are so desperate they think that if they send a picture of their asses, cheeks spread wide, or of their dicks, or of a clip from a porn flick, that someone is going to be interested in them as a person. What’s worse, some of them don’t even want you to be interested in them as a person and just want the cheap thrill of a couple of minutes of cyber sex or porn chat. It’s really pathetic. How can you respect someone or even be interested in him if he’s got such low self-esteem?

When someone sends me a shot of their ass or their dick, I ask them outright: “Is that all you are?” When they don’t respond, I have their answer. I can only hope that my question might make them take a step back and re-examine themselves. Maybe they’ll see how depraved and perverse they’ve become.

Read the whole article on the Homoerotic Tantra:Mascul-IN-Touch website.